Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day 7 - For Real

Yes, you read it right . . . today is day 7!  I am getting caught up since losing a day.  I'm not going to lose a day just because of surgery, I'm going to get it in. 

Today, I am going to go home.  I was staying at my parents for a few days after surgery and it's time to get back to normal.  I am going back to work Monday, so today is planning for the next few days.  It's a short week because of Spring Break (yeah!!) 

I stopped at the store for some of the ingredients this week. Some of them, I will have to go back for.  What frustrates me is that good, healthy food is more expensive than crappy, unhealthy food.  I filled my cart up with leafy green veggies and fruit.  This week, I cut out all dairy and animal products, and focus on vegetables, grains, and some fruit. Fruit is in moderation because of the level of sugar. Some fruits are lower in glycemic levels than others, so those are on the menu.

Prep ~ prep ~ prep!  I have a small kitchen . . . I mean tiny!  Not a lot of space.  Oh, and no dishwasher. I love to cook, but hate the clean up.  Which up until now, was why I hardly cooked.  But, if I can get most of the cooking done for about 3 days, it is worth it.  Saves a lot of time. 

Today, I prepped the Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper soup!!  Oh, my it was good!  Of course, you can't cook something and taste it.  I mean, all cooks do that to see if it is missing something.  It takes like I ordered it in a restaurant.  I  can't wait to have it on Tuesday.

The great thing about prepping is you make a recipe that will last two days.  I have one recipe for dinner and then again the next day for lunch.  Saves a lot of time, and if it is really good . . . I can have it again!!

I changed up a few of the recipes ~ especially for breakfast.  Fresh fruit is on the menu every day for breakfast.  I can't stomach having mashed chickpeas or tempeh for breakfast, so I swapped them out for Shakeology or fresh fruit.  I'll try them for snacks later in the day.

I haven't weighed myself every day, but I am going to tomorrow.  I'd like to see the progres after 1 day.  Today I feel like I have more energy and have a clear mind.  This week, the detox supplement is introduced, so I am hoping for more progress and changes! 

I cannot give up and quit.  I've started this and just because I fall (or take a day off for surgery) doesn't mean that all the work is a waste.  I have to finish this program and I intend to!

Day 7

The title is Day 7, but I'm going to go back to day 6 since I skipped my supplements yesterday due to surgery. 

Started the day with Shakeology post supplements.  I can't wait to use my Magic Bullet because this blender isn't cutting it.  The shake is too watery with a blender.

I met up with friends for a Bunny Hop and then had lunch. I chose a veggie wrap, minus the cheese.  I haven't tried asking a restaurant to cook anyting dry.  I've read to do that when they cook with butter, oil, etc. The veggies were sauteed with something, I'm guessing oil.  The wrap was not whole wheat or whole grain.  I chose the best option I could find.  I won't lie and say that I didn't try to not so good stuff.  This restaurant has a specialty chip with dill dip.  Very, very good.  I induldged, but didn't OVER indulge.  I will eat clean the rest of the day. 

Since I am not at home, I don't have all of the ingredients for today's recipes.  I added in a plate of veggies - snap peas, carrots, celery and hummus. Of course, distilled water.  For dinner, I had spaghetti squash, tomato sauce, and steamed veggies. 

As far as my feelings, I did feel very frustrated for a short time today. The details fo the UR program warn that this could happen around days 4 or 5.  I felt frustrated - could be a lot of things - surgery, pain, not being prepared, falling off the program, etc.  I am not perfect.  I had fallen off the plan because of the surgery, but I am getting back on.

Before starting the UR, I thought long and hard about when to start.  When was the best time? Notice I didn't say perfect time.  There is no perfect time.  There is always some reason to not start something. I can't workout right now, so why not give my insides a workout. Since I have to have another surgery on my other wrist, the time frame was right to start the UR when I did about a week ago. My plan will end right before I have to travel for 4 days.  It would be too hard to travel with all of the food prep that I would have to do.  It would be impossible.  I plan on finishing the plan the day before I leave.  If I have to go into another day, it won't be that bad.  I just have to plan a little more.

Day 6 - Surgery Day

Surgery done!  Arrived at hospital at 6:45 am.  Went back for pre op around 8:00.  I think I went to the OR around 9:45.  Total surgery took only about 10 minutes.  When I got to the OR, no one talked to me other than to tell me to slide over on the bed and put my arm out.  The anesthistist started my IV and within minutes I was out.  What if I had a question??  Oh, well!  The next thing I knew, I was waking up in recovery and my wrist was all bandaged up.

I went back to my room about 30 minutes later and they asked what I wanted to eat and drink.  The last time I had surgery, I opted for crackers and ginger ale.  I know that I had to eat and drink something to show them I wasn't sick and I could get discharged sooner.  So, I opted for water and crackers this time.  Trying to eat as clean as possible.  They gave me a pain pill since the pain was starting to set in.   

Went home around 11:30 and stopped at the store on the way.  It's rough having your dominant hand immoble and when you have to keep it elevated.  At the store, I bought some fresh veggies, hummus, distilled water, vegetable broth and some fruit.  If I can't get my supplements in today, at least I'm going to eat as clean as possible. 

Went home and made a plate of veggies, hummus, and a cup of veggie broth.  I'm staying at my parents for the night since I need some help.  It hurts to do anything with my hand, so the more help the better.

Had dinner out.  Ordered salmon, dry baked potato, and steamed broccoli.  I was hungry.  I should have had a tossed salad, but that wouldn't have satisified my hunger.  Tomorrow is another day, and I'll be getting back on the reset supplements.

Day 5 - Pre Surgery

Weighed myself today . . . down another 1 pound!!  Woot Woot!  UR is working!  I still have some cravings for things like coffee & cream, sweets, etc.  But they are in control. I am trying to control those cravings by drinking more water or ignoring them.  I thought about chewing gum when it happens, but while on UR, no gum . . . even sugar free. 

The UR does make you think a lot about what you are putting into your body.  Your body is like an engine.  To make it run properly it needs fuel . . . but not just any type of fuel, good fuel.  The better the food you put in your body, the better it will run.  You think clearer. Run longer. Rest better.

I've been really trying to follow all of the recipes, but since I don't have a lot of time most mornings, I use Shakeology instead of the breakfast recipe.

Tomorrow, my plan will be skewed. I am having my first of two wrist surgeries due to a condition called De Quervain's disease, or "mommy thumb."  I've had it since June 2012 and two rounds of cortisone proved to not permanently improve the condition. Since I can't eat or drink anything after midnight and my surgergy is in the morning, I'm not sure when I'll be able to start my supplements.  I haven't prepped any meals.  I'll be sedated and on meds, so I think I will have to take a break for the day.  That doesn't mean I'm not going to eat right and drink my H20 when I am home.

Well, that's it for today.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day 4

Not much changed since yesterday. I have not noticed a change in my energy level yet.  I am sure over the next few days I will see different changes.

I tried a few new recipes, like the nori rolls.  Not bad but next time I shouldn't burn the sesame seeds.  They smelled pretty bad!  Lol!

I do love to cook and there's definitely a lot of cooking involved with this program. I just wish that I had a dishwasher to do the dishes.

I cook them prepared all of my meals for tomorrow so I'm all set.  I'm not sure how Friday is going to turn out since I'm having surgery again.  Since I can't eat or drink anything after midnight tomorrow night and my surgery is not until 1130 the next morning I'm not sure how my days going to pan out.

Be back tomorrow.

Day 3

I forgot to post yesterday on day 3. I weighed myself in the morning and I was down 1.5 pounds in 2 days.  So far the ultimate reset is going very well. I'm excited to see more results.

The meal planning isn't too bad :). I will have to plan ahead earlier, so I'm not cooking every single night.

tonight I did not follow the meal plan because I went out to with some friends, but I found something healthy on the menu. Tomorrow is another day!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Day 2

On to day 2.  I weighed myself today and was down .4 pounds!  Not bad, I'm happy with that. Not feeling much different. I did get really tired yesterday. I think becauseI didn't have any caffeine.  Slight headache yesterday, but not today.

I slept really well and didn't want to get up. I did sleep through my alarm and was almost late for work.  I didn't have time to prepare lunch, so I came home for lunch.

Forgot the yogurt for breakfast, but added it to lunch.

Fit Club was today. I wanted to see if my foot could handle it since it's been 6 weeks since my foot surgery. Went well. I know I'm not supposed to workout intensely, butI just did a few of the 10 minutes trainer DVDs.

Came home and prepared dinner ~ Southwest tacos ~ YUM!  SO GOOD!  I might swap them for another meal this week.

Finish up with Shakeology before bed. I don't want to eat past 8, but I had running around to do and forgot the supplements.

I haven't taken any pics. I wanted to for day one, but forgot. I did take measurements, so I'll check after week 1.  I will weigh myself daily, just to see lose much I'm losing. If I don't lose daily, I won't freak out if I don't lose everyday.